Telephone Book C++ - COFPROG

Telephone Book C++

CPP Telephone Book Program

Problem Statement : First it will ask how many entries will be needed. Then it will allocate an array of  struct’s and allow you to enter the data. Finally it will print and deallocate the array. Note: Do not forget to release the memory allocated for the names before deallocating the entire structure array .

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct Telephone { int number; string name; }; int main() { int n; cout << "\nHow many contacts do you want to add? : "; cin >> n; struct Telephone *t = new struct Telephone[n]; cout << "\nEnter the details to be filled in the Telephone book : \n"; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cout << "\nEnter name for contact " << i + 1 << " : "; cin >> t[i].name; cout << "Enter number for contact " << i + 1 << " : "; cin >> t[i].number; } cout << "\nDetails in the Phonebook are : \n"; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cout << "\n\t" << i + 1 << ") Name: " << t[i].name << "\t" << i + 1 << ") Number: " << t[i].number; } delete[] t; cout << endl; return 0; }

This C++ code creates a simple telephone book program where the user can add contacts with names and numbers. Let's break down the code step by step:

Header Files:

The code includes two standard C++ header files:

  • <iostream>: This header file is for input and output operations.
  • <string>: This header file provides the string class to handle strings.


The using namespace std; statement allows the program to use names from the std namespace without prefixing them with std::.

Structure Declaration:

A structure Telephone is declared, which contains two members:

  • number: An integer to store the telephone number.
  • name: A string to store the name associated with the telephone number.

Main Function:

The main() function is where the execution of the program begins.

Variable Declaration:

int n;: It declares an integer variable n, which will store the number of contacts the user wants to add.

struct Telephone *t = new struct Telephone[n];: It dynamically allocates memory for an array of Telephone structures based on the user input n.

User Input:

The program prompts the user to enter the number of contacts they want to add (n) and reads the input using cin.

It then prompts the user to enter the details (name and number) for each contact and stores them in the array of Telephone structures.


After the user has entered all the contacts, the program displays the details of all the contacts entered by the user.


delete[] t;: It deallocates the dynamically allocated memory to avoid memory leaks.


The main() function returns 0, indicating successful execution of the program.

This code demonstrates the usage of structures, dynamic memory allocation, input/output operations, and loops in C++ to create a basic telephone book program.

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