Exception Handling in Java
>>Types of errors:
Compilation time error
Run time errors
-Due to incorrect input of end user or
-Due to incorrect logic of
General errors
>>Traditional Error handling:
By using if---- else conditional statement we can write error
{ if(condition)
What is an Exception ?
Once code is compiled and running, it will have to face the
real world of erroneous input, inexistent files, hardware
failure… Such problems are commonly known as runtime
errors, which are likely to cause the program to abort.
It is therefore important to anticipate such problems and
handle them correctly, by avoiding loss of data or
premature termination, and by notifying the user.
Exception Hierarchy Java:
![]() |
Exception Hierarchy Java |
The Exception Class Hierarchy:
Java distinguishes between two types of error conditions :
Errors represents internal errors of the Java run-time
system. You won’t throw any of those, and you can’t do
much about them when they happen.
Exceptions represent errors in the Java application program
– written by you.
Because the error is in your program, you are expected
to handle the exceptions.
Try to recover, if possible
Minimally, enact a safe and informative shutdown.
RuntimeException : (unchecked exception)
Usually (but not only) errors resulting from programming
Do not need to be advertised or caught.
It’s your fault : Could have prevented it with an if () clause.
2. Checked exceptions:
File operations
Must be advertised and caught
Some Predefined Exceptions
Java Exception -- Code to Cause It
NullPointerException --String s = null; s.length();
ArithmeticException -- int a = 3; int b = 0;int q = a/b;
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException --
int[] a = new int[10]; a[10];
ClassCastException Object x = new Integer(1);
String s = (String) x;
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException String s = "Hello";
Try– catch Block
Try block consists of a set of executable statements that
can possibly throw exception while executing them.
Try block is followed by one or more catch blocks where
exception thrown in the try block is caught.
When nested try blocks are used, inner try block is
executed first and any exception thrown in that block is
caught in the following catch blocks.
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
int i = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int j = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
catch (ArithmeticException a) {
System.out.println("You're dividing by zero!");
Throw From Called Method:
The try statement gets a chance to catch exceptions thrown
while the try part runs
That includes exceptions thrown by methods called from
the try part
If g throws an ArithmeticException, that it does not catch, f
will get it
In general, the throw and the catch can be separated by any
number of method invocations
void f() {
try {
catch (ArithmeticException a) {
Multiple catch:
PartTso catch more than one kind of exception, a catch part can
specify some general superclass like RuntimeException
But usually, to handle different kinds of exceptions
differently, you use multiple catch parts
Available Method
public vsoid printStackTrace()
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at DemoClass.calc(DemoClass.java:15)
at DemoClass.almostThere(DemoClass.java:9)
at DemoClass.main(DemoClass.java:5)
public String getMessage()
e.g. / by zero
public String toString()
e.g. java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
int i = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int j = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
catch (ArithmeticException a) {
System.out.println("You're dividing by zero!");
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException a) {
System.out.println("Requires two parameters.");
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
int i = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int j = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
catch (ArithmeticException a) {
System.out.println("You're dividing by zero!");
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException a) {
System.out.println("Requires two parameters.");
catch (RuntimeException a) {
System.out.println("Runtime exception.");
Overlapping Catch Parts
If an exception from the try part matches more than one of
the catch parts, only the first matching catch part is executed
A common pattern: catch parts for specific cases first, and a
more general one at the end
Note that Java does not allow unreachable catch parts, or
unreachable code in general
The throw Statement
Most exceptions are thrown automatically by the language
Sometimes you want to throw your own
The <expression> is a reference to a throwable object—usually,
a new one:
<throw-statement> ::= throw <expression> ;
throw new NullPointerException();
The Throws Clause
A throws clause lists one or more throwable classes
separated by commas
This one always throws, but in general, the throws clause
means might throw
So any caller of z must catch SomeException, or place it in its
own throws clause (propagate exception)
void z() throws SomeException
throw new SomeException ("You have run out of gas.", 19);
Finally Block
Finally The finally block will execute whether or not an
exception is thrown.
class FinallyDemo {
static void procA() {
try {
System.out.println("inside procA");
throw new RuntimeException("demo");
} finally {
System.out.println("procA's finally");
Propagating Exception
import java.io.*;
class DemoThrow
{ public static void main(String args[]){
DemoThrow my = new DemoThrow();
public DemoThrow() { checkValue(); }
public void checkValue (){
try {
catch(ArithmeticException a)
{ System.out.println(a); } catch(IOException io)
Custom Exception
class MyException extends Exception
{ MyException(int a)
{ d=a; }
public String toString(){
return “MyException “+d; }
class Throwdemo
{ int size,array[];
Throwdemo(int s)
{ size=s;
try {
catch(MyException e)
{ System.out.println(e);
void checkValue() throws MyException
if( v<0)
throw new MyException();
array= new int[3];
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
public static void main(String args[])
new Throwdemo(Integer.parseInt(args[0]));
Write a java program to throw a exception (checked) for an employee details. If an employee name is a number, a name exception must be thrown. If an employee age is greater than 50, an age exception must be thrown. or else an object must be created for the entered employee details
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class Numx
public static void main(String args[])
String name;
int age;
System.out.println("-----ENTER EMPLOYEE DETAILS-----");
System.out.println("Enter Name and Age:");
Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);
{throw new IOException();}
System.out.println("Age greater than 50 Exception");
throw new Exception();
Numx x=new Numx();
System.out.println("-----Object Created-----");
catch(Exception e)
import java.util.*;
class Numx
public static void main(String args[])
String name;
int age;
System.out.println("-----ENTER EMPLOYEE DETAILS-----");
System.out.println("Enter Name and Age:");
Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);
{throw new IOException();}
System.out.println("Age greater than 50 Exception");
throw new Exception();
Numx x=new Numx();
System.out.println("-----Object Created-----");
catch(Exception e)
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