Getting Started with JDBC Simple Guide - COFPROG

Getting Started with JDBC Simple Guide

(Step By Step)Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)


JDBC ensures DB vendor independence to Java Applications or Applets.

HOW it grants DB independence?
1. JAR supplied by DB vendor or Driver vendor --- consists of JDBC driver -- ie. a converter for Java Data <-----> Native DB types & implementation classes , vendor specific.
2. JDBC API (java.sql) consists of largely --- Interfaces.
Sun supplies specifications or WHAT (i/fs ) & leaves implementation to DB vendors or 3rd party JDBC drvr vendors.

JDBC steps:

0. Add JDBC JAR(eg : ojdbc6.jar) in run time class path.
(add external JAR)

1. Load JDBC driver class in JVM's memory(method area) (optional in Java SE)
API of java.lang.Class
Method -- public static Class<T> forName(String fullyQualifiedClsName) throws ClassNOtFoundEcxception
eg :
 Class<String> c=Class.forName("java.lang.String");
  OR to load Oracle supplied JDBC driver 

  Class<Driver> c=Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver");

2. Get DB connection from java.sql.DriverManager(fixed cn)
API of java.sql.DriverManager
public static Connection getConnection(String dbURL,String userName,String pass) throws SQLExeption

dbURL --jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe

eg : Connection cn=DM.getConnection(dbURL,nm,pass);
userName & password
JDBC API Overview

Generalized steps for DB connectivity

1. Place the JDBC driver in the Java classpath
Typically JDBC drivers are in form of JAR(Java archival format : compressed bundle of pkged Java classes) : 
Oracle supplies Type IV Thin Client type of the Driver : ojdbc14.jar/classes12.jar/ojdbc6.jar

How to add JDBC drvr's JAR  to the classpath(w/o IDE)
set classpath=g:\oracle\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6.jar;
With IDE --- simply Add external Jar.

2. Load & register JDBC driver 

2.1 Load the JDBC driver in JVM's memory.
API : 
pkg  : java.sql,oracle.jdbc.*
Class : DriverManager
DriverManager API :
public static void registerDriver(Driver instance) throws SQLException
eg : DriverManager.registerDriver(new OracleDriver());
public static Class forName(String F.Q clsName) throws ClassNotFoundException

Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver");--- can raise ClassNotFoundExc 

3. Get the fixed DB connection thro' the JDBC driver.
API : java.sql.DriverManager (class)
public static Connection getConnection(String dbURL,String userName,String password) throws SQLException

Params : dbURL : URL to reach DB thro the drvr.
jdbc:oracle:thin:@HostDetails --- for oracle Type IV thin clnt driver
HostDetails = DBServerHost:1521:SID

eg : jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl

For WiMC lab PC  -- jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe

4.Create the JDBC statement
Connection i/f  method
public Statement createStatement() throws SQLException :
creates an empty JDBC stmt to hold the query &  exec. 

5. Fill in the query & execute the same.
Statement i/f method
If query is : select : u must use executeQuery method.If the query is DML other than select(i.e insert,delete,update) or DDL then use the method executeUpdate

5.1 For select query :(for result set returning query)
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException
Returns the result set consisting of selected rows & cols.

5.2 For others : (queries not returning RST)
public int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException
Returns the updated row count : indicating how many rows were affected.

6.1 Process the ResultSet
API : ResultSet I/f method

public boolean next() throws SQLException 
Advances the RST cursor to the next row & returns true : if valid data or false if no results.(end of results)
If valid data exists : then read row data
Methods from ResultSet i/f
Type getType(int colPosition) throws SQLException( colPos : as it appears in RST)
Type getType(String colName) throws SQLException

Type=JDBC data type.

Mapping bet. Oracle Data types & JDBC data type

varchar/varchar2 : String
number(n) : integer
number(m,n) : double/float
date : java.sql.Date
TimeStamp : java.sql.TimeStamp

7 : Insertion of a row to the table (any query returning updateCnt)
Only changes are : query & replace executeQuery by executeUpdate.

8. If Java appln is exiting : close RST,close ST & then close Cn from the finally block or finalize method.(Typically closing Cn , closes all stmts & rsts.)

What is the type of the ResultSet so far  created? : Forward type only & read only
To such a RST : previous() or abs. positioning meths(absolute(n) or relative(n) positioning meths will raise SE.

How to create a scrollable RST?
Replace step 4 by the following.

4.Create the JDBC statement to support scrollable RST
Connection i/f  method
public Statement createStatement(int resultSetType,int concurrencyType) throws SQLException :
resultSet type : forward type(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY) or scrollable(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE OR ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE) : 

Difference between these 2 
A result set that is TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE does not reflect changes made while it is still open and one that is TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE does. Both types of result sets will make changes visible if they are closed and then reopened:

resultset Concurrency : read only result set(ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY) or updatable result set.(i.e can make changes to RST & same changes can also be applied to the DB table. can replace thus : insert,update,delete queries)

Additional API of scrollable ResultSet :

boolean absolute(int n) throws SE : tries to place the RST cursor on the nth row.


Why use PreparedStatement ?

1. PST represents pre-parsed & pre-compiled Stmts. At the time of creation of the PST,  3 steps out of 4(i.e parsing ,syntax chking,compiling )  take place. So when User reqs for data(eg : via a button click) the only remaining step is : fill in user data & exec query.

2. U can't pass the IN params to Statement , but can pass IN params to PST.

How to create PST?
1. Use Connection i/f method :
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SE
eg : PreparedStatememt pst=cn.prepareStatement("select * from my_emp where id=?");
? : IN param. to be filled prior to query exec.

The RST associated  with above PST is of : TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY & CONCUR_READ_ONLY

How to make it scrollable?
API : Connection i/f

public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql,int resultType,int concurrencyType) 
throws SE

3. How to set IN params of PST?(to be invoked  : in event listener : after user gives i/p or in server side code after clnt sends request)
API : PreparedStatement i/f

void setType(int placeHolderPos,Type value) throws SE
Type : JDBC data type
PlaceHolder pos : 1.....counted from left
eg : to set emp id .

4. exec the query

5. process rst in the standard manner.

RMI clnt : sends emp id & RMI srvr contact DB : if emp exists ---sends emp info , ow. raises exc empnot found  -- via pst.

CallableStatement : i/f from java.sql
Statement <--- PST  <--- CallableStatement
why CST ?
1. Use CST to execute stored procedures & stored funs exisitng on DB
2. To pass IN,OUT,IN OUT type of params

Steps to invoke & exec. the stored proc/fun
1. Create CST
API : Connection i/f
public CallableStatement prepareCall(String invocationSyntax) throws SqlException
invocationSyntax for stored proc : "{call procName(?,?.....?)}"
invocationSyntax for stored fun : "{?=call funcName(?,?.....?)}"
? : represents IN,OUT or IN OUT param
{} : represent the esc seq. for the JDBC drvr. JDBC drvr will translate this invocation to a native DB invocation form.

2. Set IN params : methods inherited from PST

void setType(int placeHolderPos,Type value) throws SE

3. Register OUT / IN OUT params (i.e specify the JDBC data type of the OUT/IN OUT param to JVM)

void registerOutParameter(int paramPosition,int type) throws SE

paramPosition : placeHolder pos 1....
type : java.sql.Types : class constant

3.5 For IN OUT PARAM : invoke step 2 & 3 (ie. set IN val & register out param data type)

4. Execute the stored proc or a fun

public boolean execute() throws SE

Ret val is ignored.

5. Extract the results from OUT/IN OUT
CallableStatement methods 
Type getType(int paramPos) throws SE
type : JDBC data type

Objective : Using scanner : accept sid,did,amt for funds transfer, exec the st.proc & disp the results. 

DB Transactions 
Functionally grouped SQL stmts : representing a B.L.
Tx => all the stmts from a Tx either fail or succeed.
i.e If any stmt fails : entire Tx has to be discarded. 
The changes made by the Tx will be made permanent : IFF all the stmts succeed.

How to do it from JDBC API?

1. Start a Tx
Connection i/f method 
void setAutoCommit(boolean false)
ie. unset the auto-commit flag.
eg : cn.setAutoCommit(false);
2. Wrap entire Tx within a separate try-catch block.
3. If the entire try block succeds (i.e at the end of try) ---> commit the Tx
API : cn.commit();
4.But if u reach inside the catch clause(due to system exc or custom exc) : rollback the Tx
API : cn.rollback();
5. To continue : set auto-commit to true again.

Updatable ResultSet : 
How to create a PST which supports scrollable & updatable RST?

1. API : Connection i/f

public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql,int resultType,int concurrencyType) 
throws SE
concurrencyType : CONCUR_UPDATABLE

2. Alternative to update query
2.1 Get the updatable RST.(eg : via pst.executeQuery())
2.2 Place the RST cursor on the row to be updated.(via absolute/relative meths of RST)
2.3 Update the col. vals-- on the RST
ResultSet API
public void updateType(int colPosition,Type newVal) throws SE
type--- JDBC data type
public void updateType(String colName,Type newVal) throws SE
type--- JDBC data type

2.4 Once all changes to a particular row are done invoke :
API : public void updateRow() throws SE
to apply these changes to the underlying DB table.

3. Alternative to insert query
3.1 Get the updatable RST.(eg : via pst.executeQuery())
3.2 Place the RST cursor on the new row to be inserted.
ResultSet : void moveToInsertRow() throws SE
This places the RST cursor on the newly created row.

3.3 Update the col. vals-- on the RST copy
Invoke update methods (mandatory for NOT NULL constraint) : as in step 2.3

ResultSet API
public void updateType(int colPosition,Type val) throws SE
type--- JDBC data type

3.4 Once all col vals are inserted : 
API : public void insertRow() throws SE
to apply these changes to the underlying DB table. (i.e new row gets inserted in DB)
3.5 To place cursor back to original row
API : public void moveToCurrentRow() throws SE

4. Alternative to delete query
4.1 Get the updatable RST.(eg : via pst.executeQuery())
4.2 Place the RST cursor on the row to be deleted (via absolute/relative)
4.3 Delete row :
ResultSet API 
void deleteRow() throws SE  (NOTE : deletes row from RST & DB too!!!!! use it with care!)

For date/time handling from JDBC
classes to be used from java.sql are :
Date,Time & TimeStamp

{d 'yyyy-mm-dd'}
{t 'hh:mm:ss'}
{ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'}

steps : for handling date
1. Create a table with col. type=date
2. Create a PST
3. Use java.sql.Date API
method :
public static Date valueOf(String dateFormat) 

dateFormat : yyyy-mm-dd

4. Use PST's method
public void setDate(int pos,Date val) throws SE.

Meta data associated with JDBC
1. Database meta data : holds the info like : DB version,DB drvr version, Tx are supported or not, scrollable/updateble rsts, names of all tables from DB.....,max conns available
To get D.M.D
API : Connection i/f
DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws SE
DatabaseMetaData : i/f 
Has methods : getVersion(),getTables().....

How to get all the table names for the current user?
Use DMD : method
ResultSet getTables(String catalog,String schemaPattern,
                    String tableNamePattern,
                    String[] types)
                    throws SQLException

DatabaseMetadata dmd=cn.getMetaData();
ResultSet rst=dmd.getTables(null,null,null,new String[] {"TABLE"});
//to retrieve table name
invoke : rst.getString(3) ; //3 => table name

2. ResultSetMetaData : metadata about the RST
How to get it?
Method in ResultSet API
ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SE
eg :
ResultSetMetaData rmd=rst.getMetaData();

2.1 Methods of RMD
int getColumnCount() throws SE
String getColumnLabel(int colPos) throws SE
int getColumnType(int colPos) throws SE

Dirty Read --Enables un-committed tx data, to read from current tx.
Un-repeatable reads -- Enables to read committed data from concurrent tx, may lead to un repeatable results.
Phantom reads-- Enables to read committed data from concurrent tx, may lead to additional rows appearing in same tx.

Handling BLOBs with JDBC API
How to store BLOB data?
1. Create DB table having blob type of column.
eg create table my_images(id number(2),name varchar2(30),snap blob);
2. Accept bin file from user to store on DB.
3. Use PreparedStatement API method -- to store BLOB on DB
public void setBinaryStream(int placeholderPos, InputStream in, int length) throws SqlException
4. Use executeUpdate to insert row data.

How to restore BLOB data from DB ?
1.Use API of PreparedStatement to read BLOB.
public Blob getBlob(int colPos) throws SqlException
2. Use java.sql.Blob i/f method
public byte[] getBytes(long pos,int length)
NOTE : pos begin with 1 .
3. Once u have byte[] , u can store the same on File(bin) using FOS or send it over sockets using Socket.getOutputStream()

Reference for MySQL connectivity
1.install MySQL

2. Clnt i/f 
create database testjdbc;
use testjdbc;

create table Employee( empId int primary key, name varchar(25), deptId int, isPermanent boolean,sal double);
insert into Employee values(1,'aa',123,true,2000);
insert into Employee values(2,'ab',101,true,3000);

Driver class name : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 
To load/register driver ---- Class.forName(String F.Q className) throws ClassNotFoundExc
DB URL - jdbc:mysql://hostname:3306/databaseName
root -- user name 
root -- password
example code for conn to MySQL ----
String dbURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testjdbc";
//use DM.getConnection(url,username,pass)

Objective ---- RMI & JDBC integration
Func requirement --1.  disp emp dtls --- if present , ow. raise cust exc.
2. Insert new emp record --- ret success msg  or raise cust exc in case failure.

Server side steps
1. B.I --- method decl ---
String getEmpDtls(int empId) throws RE,EmpNotFoundExc
2. String insertEmp(emp specific dtls) throws RE,EmpInsertExc
2. Create impl class --- rem obj 
constr --- cn,psts
B.M ---get ---- 

HOW TO make JDBC applns/applets completely DB independent?
1.Create text based properties file.
key & value pair.(keys --- arbitrary values---changing as per DB setting)
2.Create empty java.util.Properties<K,V> --- sub-class of HashTable
Key & values must be --- String
Can load Properties directly from any stream.
Properties API 
public void load(Reader r) throws IOExc

3.Can access the Property value using API
Properties API
String getProperty(String key)
ret type=value asso with key.

Properties props = new Properties();

FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("");
String drivers = props.getProperty("jdbc.drivers");
String url = props.getProperty("jdbc.url");
String username = props.getProperty("jdbc.username");
String password = props.getProperty("jdbc.password");
return DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);

Regarding jar cmd line utility
0. For runnable jars --- create manifest.txt --- 1liner having Main-Class: tester.Test, new line & save file to folder where ur classes are(eg bin)

1. From bin --- jar cvfm test.jar manifest.txt *
2. To run jar
java -jar test.jar

DB Utils Class:

package db_utils;

import java.sql.*;

public class Utils {
public static Connection getConnection() throws Exception {
return DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe", "system", "dmc");


Connection Tester Class:

package db;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;

public class TestCn {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//Loads oracle supplied Type IV thin client JDBC driver in memory
// Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver");
try (Connection cn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe", "system", "dmc")) {
System.out.println("connected " + cn);



Prepared Statement Class:

package db;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

import static db_utils.Utils.*;

public class TestPST {

public static void main(String[] args) {
String sql = "select * from my_customers where email=? and password=?";
try (Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
Connection cn = getConnection();
PreparedStatement pst = cn.prepareStatement(sql);) {
while (true) {
System.out.println("Enter email n password or quit to exit");
String em =;
if (em.equals("quit"))
String pass =;
// set IN params
pst.setString(1, em);
pst.setString(2, pass);
try (ResultSet rst = pst.executeQuery()) {
if ( {
.printf("Cust ID %d Cust Name %s Dep Amount %.1f Role %s%n",
rst.getInt(1), rst.getString(2),
rst.getDouble(5), rst.getString(7));
} else
System.out.println("Invalid login , pls retry...");


} catch (Exception e) {


Test Statement:

package db;

import static db_utils.Utils.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class TestStatement {

public static void main(String[] args) {
String sql = "select * from my_emp";
try (Connection cn = getConnection();
Statement st = cn.createStatement();
ResultSet rst = st.executeQuery(sql);) {
while (
"Emp ID %d Name %s Salary %.1f Join Date %s %n",
rst.getInt(1), rst.getString("name"), rst.getDouble(4),
} catch (Exception e) {


Why we need DB connectivity ????
->Testing Statement API
->Testing PreparedStatement API

ORM --->Object to relational (DB) mapping
Typical Layers in enterprise application (in bottoms up manner)

1. DB layer (EIS --Enterprise information system)
2. POJO/DTO/Entity -- represents DB data
POJO class --- Table
POJO properties -- Table columns
POJO class instances(POJOs) -- Table rows

POJO class --public , packged class.
private data members(properties of POJO)
default constructor
OPtionally can provide --parameterized constr.
setters/getters for accessing
OPtinal toString

3. DAO (Data access Object layer) --
Role -- To supply data access logic.
DAO constructor -- Load driver class , get DB connection, preare PSTs,CSTs.

Clean UP -- close DB realated resources.

CRUD methods -- as per business requirements

4. Tester -- UI
Objective --- Get customer details --reged before specified dat & under specified role.

Update Customer
Register Customer

How to invoke stored procedure / function ?

1. Create CallableStatement object to invoke stored proc/func.
API of Connection
public CST prepareCall(String invocationSyntax) throws SE

invocationSyntax for proc -- "{call proc_name(?,?....?)}"

invocationSyntax for func -- "{?=call func_name(?,?....?)}"

? --- IN / OUT /IN OUT
eg : CST cst=cn.prepareCall("{call update_account(?,?,?,?,?)}");

{} -- meant for JDBC driver. It transalates {} into DB specific (native) proc/func invoation syntax.

eg : CST cst=cn.prepareCall("{?=call update_account_fn(?,?,?,?)}");
2. Set IN params 
Inherited API from PST
public void setType(int pos,Type val) throws SE

3. Register OUT parameter
public void registerOutParameter(int paramPos,int type) throws SE

paramPos -- placeholder pos
type --JDBC data type (generic SQL type)
All types are declared as consts in java.sql.Types class
eg : Types.DOUBLE,Types.INT etc

What is meant by registering OUT param ?
U need to supply JDBC data type of OUT param to JVM before exec stored proc/func

eg : cst.registerOutParameter(4,Types.DOUBLE);...

4. Execute proc / func
Inherited API from PST
public boolan execute() throws SE
eg : cst.execute();

5. Get results from OUT param.
public Type getType(int paramPos) throws SE
eg : cst.getDouble(4);

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